Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Fine Line Between Coincidence and Fate

You can't have a Disney wedding without a good love story first.  Here is the condensed version of ours.  

How we met:
Joey and I have known each other pretty much our whole lives. We grew up a half mile from each other, went to the same high school, etc. He graduated a couple of years before me, and he was like a big brother, best friend type. After he graduated, he moved to Florida for college. After I graduated, I went across our home state of NC to college, and we lost touch.

Fast forward to summer 2001. My best friend and I decided to spend the summer in Orlando, playing and working and living in the land of Mickey. One lazy afternoon at the pool, I decide to run inside and get a popsicle. While inside, instead of rushing back out into the Florida sunshine, I think it'll be a good idea to check my email. Granted, no one has emailed me in weeks, but hey! you never know. So I get online, and Joey IM's me! After a brief chat (the first one in at least a year), we find out that he's in Daytona Beach, I'm in Orlando, and in a few days, he should drive over to Orlando, and we'll do dinner. As buddies. Because he has a serious girlfriend. And he's like my brother.

So, he shows up with flowers, and tries to hold my hand the whole night. I kept thinking, "Weird! He's like my brother!"  (later he will confess to me, that he told his buddies that night he was "going to see the girl he's going to marry" aww) He went back to Daytona and eventually I went back to NC. We kept in touch, and then one day, walking across campus, I realized I was in love with him. BAM! He moved back to NC, and we've been together ever since.

Now, I just have to tell his side of the Orlando story, cause it just seems like fate to me. He walked across campus, in a suit in the middle of July in Florida, to go to a random computer lab for no reason, when he could have jumped in his car and used the computer at home. If he hadn't done just exactly what he did, and if I hadn't checked my email instead of just grabbing the popsicle, we might have missed each other.
There is a fine line between coincidence and fate!

Engagement: is the condensed engagement story...

2005: We were on vacation at WDW. We started at the Magic Kingdom at Joey's insistence. I usually can't wait for Epcot, but he wouldn't back down. (I would later find out that it was because he was so excited to propose, he couldnt stand the wait!).

We were in Adventureland, enjoying a Dole Whip (favorite food on EARTH!) when we heard strains of music coming from the castle area. Suddenly, Joey is on his feet, grabbing me and yelling, "hurry hurry! Let's go see what that is!" I was totally confused at his weirdo behavior. This was the year of a million dreams, and they were doing a princess show (can't remember the name anymore). I had told him that I really wanted to see it, but he didn't seem all that interested. Now, he was practically yanking my arm off, pulling me through the crowd, saying "we're gonna miss it!" WHAT?!?
I remember telling him that it was ok, we'd just catch the next big deal. (Plus, I wanted to finish my Dole Whip). But he wouldn't relent so I followed wondering why my Joey was suddenly so interested in Disney Princesses.

So we make it to the castle and we are watching the show, disney princesses everywhere!! I look over at Joey and he's not there. ?? Look down, he's on one knee. In the background, my childhood heroes are singing "A Dream is A Wish" and Joey is saying, "I want you to be MY princess...(and some other stuff I cant remember)" and blinding me with a sparkly ring in the hot Florida sunshine.

Obviously I said yes, (although I dont really remember that part, just saying Oh my God over and over). And as soon as I did, fireworks went off over the castle. the middle of the day. Perfection!

I spent the rest of the day bumping into people because I was too busy looking at my ring.

We had a celebratory lunch/dinner at San Angel in Mexico, complete with Margaritas...then Joey grabbed a beer a little later in Germany, and we toasted each other with champagne in France a couple hours after that. Needless to say, we aren't big drinkers that combined with it being Orlando in mid June, we were NOT feeling very well. We ended that night early. 

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